Welcome to the 38th Annual Johnson & Johnson International CUP

Follow the step-by-step below to register and create your own fundraising page or join/create a team fundraiser!

1. Register as an Individual, Create a Team or Join a Team 

You are able to search for existing teams by name or team member names.

2. Create a User Account

You will then be prompted to create a new FundRazr account, or sign in with their existing account.

3. Event Registration Form

You will be required to fill out the event registration form. This applies to all users.

4. Endorsement Message

Users will be able to write a message, record/upload a video message and set a personal fundraising goal (all optional) for their individual or team campaign.

5. Waiver Confirmation

In order to continue, users are required to accept the waiver.

6. Signup Confirmation

After completing the process and agreeing to the waiver, a confirmation screen – indicating you have completed the setup process will appear. You are now able to view your fundraising page and share with family/friends! (Below is an example of the fundraising page, you are able to share the page through various social media outlets or by directly copying the page link and sending it to family and friends.)

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at info@shootforacure.

Happy fundraising!